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Maine Occupational Therapy Association

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Continuing education

We are constantly looking to enhance the field of Occupational Therapy in Maine by providing opportunities for growth by continuing our education.  An added member benefit is being able to learn from each other's experiences.

Continuing Education Credits Clarified

  • 1.     In-services are accepted – so if people want to share what they learned from a conference they attended and they document the learning outcomes, it is absolutely fine. Because 4 hours has to be sponsored events and 1 hours on the topic of ethics, this will only be accepted for up to 5 hours for OT’s and 1 hour for OTA’s.
  • 2.     How long we need to keep our CE records. The state limits it to two (2) years. So if they ask me for mine in April of 2025, they can review 2024 and 2025. If I am reported for an ethics violation for false certification in say January of 2025, they can request 2023 and 2024. So, we will always want to keep the most recent two years.

  • Maine Continuing Education Requirement Clarifications.docx

  • CE Retention Requirements.doc

Looking for CEUs? Check out our CEU Archive!


Upcoming events

MISSION: The mission of MEOTA is to promote the profession of Occupational Therapy and support all Occupational Therapy practitioners in the state of Maine. 

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Maine Occupational Therapy Association