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Maine Occupational Therapy Association

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Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper

  • 2 Nov 2023
  • 5:00 PM
  • 16 Nov 2023
  • 7:00 PM
  • Virtual


This is a virtual training for occupational therapy (OT)

professionals looking to improve their suicide prevention

knowledge and skills. This training is provided as a free benefit

to MEOTA members.

The training will offer up-to-date information on suicide, build

confidence, provide resources, and cover how to respond to

suicidal behavior.

The Gatekeeper training is a foundation of the Maine Suicide

Prevention Program (MSPP). It gives an overview of suicide in

Maine and the U.S. Participants will receive a certificate that is

good for 5 years after completion of the training.

The training provides an accessible, introductory overview of suicide prevention by providing up-to-date information regarding suicide, teaching basic suicide intervention skills, and identifying helpful resources available to staff with the goal of increasing personal confidence and the ability to effectively respond to suicidal behavior.

The Gatekeeper training is the foundation of the Maine Suicide Prevention Program (MSPP). It provides a thorough overview of suicide in Maine and the US, as well as teaching basic intervention skills and providing resources for appropriate response.

For questions, please contact Julianne McLaughlin, Coordinator of Suicide Prevention, at mspp@namimaine.org or 800-464-5767 ext. 2318.

MISSION: The mission of MEOTA is to promote the profession of Occupational Therapy and support all Occupational Therapy practitioners in the state of Maine. 

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Maine Occupational Therapy Association